Start Micro GPS lap timer with 50Hz GPS sensor
Digital timepiece for recording lap times.
The lap timer is delivered ready-to-install with an integrated GPS sensor and assembly instructions. Batteries (2 pieces AAA) must also be procured.
No transponder or the like is required for operation, the data is recorded via GPS.
With the 50HZ receiver, the measurement accuracy is much higher than with the 10Hz receivers that are normally used.
No accessories are required, the time recording can take place immediately, regardless of the transmitter.
Operation is very simple: on the start line, press the start button once for initialization and all further laps will be recognized and recorded.
The following data could be recorded and evaluated with the START Mirco:
- lap times
- 82 laps can be saved and displayed
- The best lap of each turn is displayed
No connection to the vehicle necessary, so it can be used on several vehicles without any problems.
Software for reading out the data can be downloaded free of charge
Requirement Windows from WIN2000 and a USB cable to connect.
Technical specifications:
- digital time recording via GPS with 50Hz receiver
- independent of transmitters
- Measurement accuracy 1 / 100sec
- Automatic shutdown
- size 69.5x50mm 5x21mm
- Waterproof
- Shock-proof housing
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