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The only things that cannot be copied are the relationships a company has with its employees and the relationships between employees and customers!

(Klaus Kobjoll)

Meet the team

PRD / Paddys-Races-Days / Patrick Bollhalder/ Owner / Managing Director / CEO

Patrick Bollhalder


Chief Executive Officer

I wish my team and our customers a family atmosphere and many great moments at every event.

Anaid Bollhalder / Anaid Quinones / Paddys Races Days / PRD

Anaid Bollhalder


Chief Operation Officer

The good fairy in the company who actively supports everyone. Organized the admin on site.

Daniel Bollhalder / Dani / Paddys-Races-Days / Instructor / Driving Safety

Daniel Bollhalder


Chief Instructor Officer

Loves motorcycling and is passionate about all events and helps the participants. Responsible for the process and organization of the instructor training.

PRD Tussi, Paddys Race Day

Show girl

(PRD chick)

Promo doll

It is presented in the info box and is welcome to be photographed.

Bollhalder Alex Camacho / Alejandro Camacho / PRD / Paddy's Races Days

Alejandro Camacho

( Alex )

Junior PitLane Manger

Carries out the control at the entrance of the track and checks the wearing of the armor, which is mandatory for us.

Roy Bollhalder /Paddys Races Days

Roy Bollhalder


Paddock Manger

Responsible for the paddock at the events as well as the controls at the track entry.

ximena camacho / Bollhalder / Paddys-races-days prd

Ximena Camacho


Junior Office Manager

Responsible for the cafe, water, tea & snacks area in the info box.

Martina Schwab / PaddysRacesDays

Martina Schwab


Responsible for Office / Registrations and Customer Service

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